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When you are close to your destination, consider carefully where you are going to park. When you are assisting someone you will need to consider the curbs.  Getting out of a vehicle onto a higher level is difficult for both your passenger and you, as they will need a lot more support and assistance from you as the climb up and out of your vehicle.

Look to see if there is somewhere close that has a lower curb if possible, make sure that where-ever you park, you can get your passenger's door open fully. It may be necessary for you to park your car away from the curb to help them to get out of your vehicle onto a lower surface.

Ask your passenger if they need any help with their seat belt, before you get out of the car, check that it is safe for you to do so, get any walking aid ready for when your passenger needs it.

Open the door fully, if you have any aids get them ready to help the passenger to use them, ask the passenger to move round so that their legs are in the doorway, ask if they need any assistance to move their legs round.  

Make sure their feet are in a nice stable position on the ground, they may need to shuffle forwards in the seat, ask if they need assistance or support to stand. They may want to use their cane or stick to help them, or if you have any aids such as a D ring or handle they could use them to help push or pull themselves up. 

You should have one hand on the door to hold it and the other out offered if they need to take it at any time. Make sure that they are not going to bang their head as they exit the vehicle. Talk to them and make sure that they are ok.

Once they are standing, help them into their wheelchair if they use one, or give them their walking aid.  Make sure that they have their possessions with them and assist them to their destination.