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To assist a passenger into your vehicle, the first thing to do is to make it as easy and safe as possible.  Open the door as wide as it will go and move the seat back to give them plenty of room. You may need to adjust the height of the seat if the option is available to make it easier for the passenger.

Make sure that their is nothing on the floor of the vehicle, if you have a turntable place that on the seat as it makes it much easier for the passenger to turn in the seat.  Ask the person to back into the seat make sure that their head is going to clear underneath the side of the car as they go in.  Once they have lowered themselves into the seat they can move round to face the front, this is a lot easier with a turntable.  

Once they are in position, if you have their bag, ask them where they would like it to be put and pass them the seat belt, so that they don't have to twist and turn to get it, and close the door carefully making sure they are clear of the door and that there is no clothing or items in the way.

Communicating throughout this process is key.  If you are assisting someone down or up steps, tell them that there is another step.  Point in the direction you are heading in, so they know where you and they are going, tell them if there is an uneven surface.

Use nice clear language,  don't be bossy, be nice and supportive, trust and engagement is very important to make the individual feel safe and comfortable in your care and makes the experience a much happier one for both you and your passenger.