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When you are transporting a passenger who has an impairment with their hearing there are a number of ways that you can make communicating with them easier. Make sure that you have their attention before you start speaking to them, this may be done by gently tapping them on the arm or by waving to attract their attention, but remember not to wave directly in front of their face.

Keep the environment as quiet as possible, turn off the music and turn down radios, hearing aids not only amplify voices, they amplify all other sounds as well.

When you’re collecting a passenger with a hearing impairment and you or they need to communicate, make sure you are standing facing them and if it is dark, make sure that you are facing the light so they can see speak.

Make sure that you are not chewing gum or eating when you speak to them as this makes it difficult for them to read your lips, don’t shout, and speak clearly but not too slowly as this will disrupt the natural rhythm of your speech and make it difficult for them to understand you.

There is nothing wrong with writing something down if you are having difficulty communicating, but if you do then make sure your writing is clear and concise.