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When you are assisting individuals, you need to be aware that they may have a disability that you cannot easily see, these are known as hidden or invisible disabilities. A person with this type of disability may suffer from chronic pain, chronic fatigue, mental health issues, or it may be something as simple as dizziness or cognitive dysfunctions.

There are lots of hidden disabilities, it may be that your passenger has sight or hearing problems, they may suffer from ME, fibromyalgia, PTSD, anxiety or depression, their condition may limit their movements or make every movement very painful, it may limit their senses, dizziness may affect balance and make walking difficult.

By the very nature of these disabilities, people who have them are often misjudged or misunderstood because they are not using a wheelchair, a walking device or an obvious aid. This is why it is so important for you to treat all passengers with respect, always introduce yourself and always ask if there is anything you can do to help, whether you can see a disability or not.