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Another type of wheelchair that people may use are electric wheelchairs. Most are too large and heavy to be lifted into and transported in vehicles which haven't been adapted.

There are different types of electric wheelchair, if you have an adapted vehicle with a ramp, lifting device or hoist you will need to to be very careful when you are getting them into your vehicle.

Make sure that you know how the wheelchair works, ask your passenger.

Hoists are permanently in the vehicle, they should be functional and checked regularly. You should make sure that the chair that you are lifting will fit into your vehicle and line it up carefully to avoid damage to the chair and your vehicle. Make sure that you can secure it fully.  

If you have a ramp in your vehicle, your passenger should be able to use it to get into the vehicle. You need to assist by communicating with them at all times, if they are in a manual wheelchair you can help them by pushing them up into your vehicle. On all journeys the chair must be secured at all four points using secure latching points, also make sure that the brakes have been applied to the chair. 

Ensuring that they are fully secured is vital, failure to do so could result in a serious injury to your passenger and you.

When you take them out of the vehicle, undo the latches and then slowly roll them back or talk to them as they come out on their electric wheelchair.