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If you are transporting a passenger and they become unwell on the journey, or maybe you're getting them to and from the vehicle, and they fall and have an accident, then you would need to get help straight away. 

If you are trained in first aid, you can provide it.  When a passenger is unwell, make sure you get them to a place of safety.  If they are already in the vehicle, keep them calm and reassure them. 

Talk to them and try to find out what is wrong, ask if they have any medication with them that they need to take, if they do, get the bag that has their medication and give it to them so they can get their medication and take it.

In situations where your passenger has fallen and is injured, call the emergency services and stay with your passenger, keep them safe, calm and warm.

This is not a first aid course, it is advised to look through your first aid kit, look at the dressings and the equipment it contains so you know what you have and where to find things when you need them.

Pressure dressings are used to stop bleeding, plasters are ideal for small cuts and grazes.  Many first aid kits have a small first aid instruction leaflet, if you have one take time to read it.  

In many cases first aid is simply taking care someone when they are ill or injured, keeping them calm, calling for help and making sure that they are warm and as comfortable as possible while waiting for help to arrive.